Hey! My name is noobieyuh! :D

About Me:

I write in Java, HTML, CSS, and more! I'm planning to learn more languages and do much more awesome things!

I love coding! It's fun to do when I'm bored and have nothing to do... it's a little unhealthy

I also like messing with technology, and I like reverse engineering many things! I personally recommend you to try reverse engineering!

My Past:

I started coding around middle school. I first starting coding in Python. It's an easy language to start off with (in my opinion).

I liked the idea of coding originally back in elementary, but I wasn't too sure until the start of high school.

Here I am now, a (somewhat) decent programmer c:

My Goals:

- Learn more languages (ex. C, Rust, etc.)

- Work on more projects (work on Silly Cat)

- Get lots of money :D (currently broke)

My Projects:

Silly Quotes!

The Adventures of Silly Cat!

Websites Upon Websites!

Contact Info:

Telegram: @noobiepoo

(More contact info will be added soon...)


Here's a button, try not to press it...

Made with love <3

Thanks for checking my website out! c:

If you like it, star it on GitHub!

Thanks again! :D